So you think it’s just kids that like swings eh? Wrong - hens love them too!!
We have tried and tested this innovative design and once hens get into the ‘swing’ of things, this is a must have for every spoilt hen home.
Our top tips for helping your hens to have some playground fun:
- Place The Chicken Swing™ free of obstructions as it swings above the heads of the hens in your coop, roughly about knee-height to prevent the swing from spooking or hitting the other hens.
- If you have a trusting hen, place her up on the swing and immediately reward her with a treat, perhaps a few meal worms. Once she is used to being on the swing, gently give it a push and give her a treat each time it swings towards you. Soon she will jump on the swing when she hears the bag shake, and the rest of your girls will follow suit!
- Introduce the swing soon after bringing them home from one of our Hen Collections – it will become an addictive part of their free range retirement!
Order your Chicken Swing now